By doing this I aim to create a better understanding of how a more tactile approach to storytelling can aid the interest and entertainment value for its audience, as well as weighing out the pros and cons to working in a variety of different mediums to see which functions more effectively when considering the objective.
I will experiment and develop on my final major project story by translating it into a variety of alternate solutions to see what works best. Most notably I will be looking at how different materials can affect the means of movement, interaction and form. For example, paper can be used to create pop-up books or paper theatres, modelling clay can be used to create solid characters that can move around a page or in a stage, soft materials like felt can be used to create finger puppets that stick out from a book page, and so on…
Like my Final Major Project, the target audience is primarily children, but I must also consider that adults – parents, relatives, friends, and teachers – are the ones who would purchase a product for a child, so it must be just as appealing to them as well.
To gain inspiration I will keep an ongoing research file of creative persons (illustrators/sculptors/artists/etc…) who I think are relevant and influential to my project. By doing this I hope to improve and shape my project by learning from what other artists have already produced.